Dry White Wine Authentiko 750ml

Dry White Wine Authentiko 750ml - Αμόργιον
  • Dry White Wine Authentiko 750ml - Αμόργιον

Dry White Wine Authentiko 750ml


It’s a unique wine as our ancestors did in the old times. Without sulfur , without pre- servatives. You feel the juice of the grapes to flood your senses and you can enjoy a unique , original wine . Combined great with fishes, lobsters , shrimps and varieties of grilled chiken and cooked meat.

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It’s a unique wine as our ancestors did in the old times. Without sulfur , without pre- servatives. You feel the juice of the grapes to flood your senses and you can enjoy a unique , original wine . Combined great with fishes, lobsters , shrimps and varieties of grilled chiken and cooked meat.

Dry White Wine 100% Authentiko
Small Organic Production.
1000 numbered bottles
Available in packs of 750 ml


Data sheet

Bottle size
750 ml